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Models are responses or requests to and from Discord that have been verified. Data can be accessed in a pythonic way of attributes rather than dictionaries.


If you want a more low-level or want to transport models (pickling) you can access attributes .to_dict or .to_json.

Models have been split into sections.

- Incoming
- Outgoing

Outgoing models are usually created by the user and meant to be sent to Discord, and have the strictest validation. They are easily editable by property.

Incoming models are usually models that have been translated from Discord themselves and have been validated. While it's possible to edit the attributes, no function provided by Dispike will accept them. Treat them as read-only.


in certain circumstances, you can convert Incoming models to Outgoing, simply pass .to_dict of the incoming object to the appropriate outgoing object by doing OutgoingObject(**IncomingObject).